Oil Paintings
Paintings can be
purchased by contacting Sandy directly, archival prints on canvas or
paper are available.
Click the images below to enlarge.
"Dream Ride", 24" x 36"
"Chris Craft Crusin' - Wolfeboro", 16" x 20"
"Winter Harbor - Tuftonboro", 3' x 4'
"Sunset Boathouse - Winnipesaukee", 11" x 14"
"Bode Miller",
20" x 30"
"Gram's Camp", 12" x 16"
"Sunrise over Rattlesnake", 30" x 40"
"Wolfeboro by Boat", prints only |
15 S Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH 03894
603-569-9890, studio2w@hotmail.com